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Our Business Is Making You Shine

We believe every individual has the potential to lead a productive and successful life and that the human spirit thrives in environments that are respectful, accessible, and inclusive in the general workforce.

When you hire Opportunities Unlimited you’re not only receiving top-quality cleaning services at competitive pricing, you’re also providing job opportunities for individuals with disabilities.


We’re here to proudly show society that individuals living with disabilities are valuable members of our community. There are currently 14,000 people in Erie County with disabilities that are unable to work. Our goal is to restore hope to some of these individuals by becoming advocates for them. The Opportunities Unlimited program supports individuals of all backgrounds who once thought employment was impossible. We believe in ability, not disability! We give them the tools to become successful, and in return, many of them become contributing members of society.


We serve any individual with a disability, that is currently participating in Occupational and Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR) of Pa and is looking for job training and/or employment opportunities. The ADA defines a person with a disability as a person who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activity. This includes people who have any history of such impairment, even if they do not currently have issues with that disability.

In our community, we see disabled individuals unable to work far too often. The need for employment and opportunity is real. Often times, job seekers want to contribute to society again, but they do not know where or how to start. They begin to lose hope, and often, dignity.

At OU we strive to provide both the job training and employment placement opportunities to these individuals, in hopes that they’ll move on to bigger and better careers. We want to restore hope and self-worth back into our Erie family and our coaches give job seekers the skills and abilities to do just that.

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Our Mission

Our mission is to create employment opportunities for people with disabilities and support them in achieving their goals through career training such as job searching, application and resume building, interview training, and more.

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Our Virtues

We believe in the virtues of listening, patience, and respect for all and welcome the unique talents and diverse experience of our clients and employees.

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Our Goal

Our overall goal is to assist those individuals who participate in the Occupational and Vocational Rehabilitation program (OVR) program to match each individual and their skills set, with each potential employer’s specific need to fulfill everyone’s greatest expectations.

How You Can Help

Opportunities Unlimited is only able to keep our job training and employment services open with the support of the community. By donating, you’re becoming a partner in our mission to restore hope to Erie individuals and families. By your donations we can help place more individuals into jobs in our community.

You can also take advantage of charitable-giving tax benefits that put money back into your business or personal funds simply for choosing our services. Without job providers, we cannot help job seekers. For these reasons, we hope you’ll consider joining our list of satisfied customers.